Table 1.

Summary of data from systematic literature review addressing fulfillment of the OMERACT filter by imaging modalities in chronic gout.

Construct validity*++++±
Content validity++++±
Criterion validity++++±
Intrareader reliability§±+±+±
Interreader reliability§++++±
Discrimination in response to treatment±±
  • * Considered present if imaging finding had been confirmed with an alternative imaging modality in at least 1 study.

  • Considered present if imaging findings measured part of the domain of interest [urate deposition (tophus burden), joint inflammation or structural joint damage].

  • Considered present if abnormality imaged had been directly confirmed with relevant histological assessment or by conformity with strict diagnostic criteria.

  • § Considered fulfilled if intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.8. +: Data adequate in all domains the imaging modality can address; ±: some data available in all domains or data available only for some domains; −: insufficient or no data; ?: uncertainty because patient acceptability may be important but not yet addressed.

  • For tophus only, not the double contour sign. XR: radiography; CT: computed tomography; DECT: dual-energy computed tomography; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; US: ultrasound.