Table 2.

Instruments measuring pain, physical function, or patient’s global assessment applied in the included studies.

StudiesDomainsSpecificationsNo. Studies Applied
  AIMS-216Physical function78 items, rated on 5-point scale. Transformed into 12 scales, score range 0–10 (worst possible). 1 scale for hand/finger function.5
  ASES86Pain, physical function20 items, scored 10 (very uncertain) to 100 (very certain can do). 3 subscales: pain/function /other symptoms, scored by taking mean of subscale items (range 10–100).2
  AUSCAN14Pain, physical function, global assessment15 items, Likert (0 = none to 4 = extreme)/VAS version. Summed into 3 subscales: pain (Likert range 0–20/VAS range 0–100), stiffness (0–4/0–100), function (0–36/0–100).34
  Cochin scale87Physical function18 items, rated on Likert scale (0 = without difficulty to 5 = impossible).
Summed to final score, range 0–90.
  COPM88Physical functionInterview on most important activities. 5 most important activities scored for performance/satisfaction (1–10). Subscale scores range 0 (not able to do/satisfied) to 10 (extremely able to do/satisfied).3
  FIHOA13Physical function10 items, range 0 (no difficulty) to 3 (impossible). Total score range 0–30. Original, VAS, Likert version.15
  HAQ17Physical function20 items. Total score range 0 to 3 (higher score indicates poorer functioning).12
  MAP-hand89Physical function18 items, range 0 (no difficulty) to 4 (not able to do). Total mean score calculated.1
  MHQ15Pain, physical function37 items, rated on 5-point Likert (1 = very good to 5 = very poor). Scores normalized to 0–100 scale.1
  OMFAQ90Physical function5 domains of functioning, scored 1 (excellent) to 6 (total impaired).
Total score range 5–30. Physical/instrumental ADL scale.
  PRWHE91Physical function15 item scale, rated on 0–10 NRS. Summed to subscales: pain (0–50), disability (0–60).1
  Revel functional index92Physical function10 questions, rated 0 (without difficulty) to 2 (impossible). Total score range 0–20.1
  SACRAH93Pain, physical function23 questions, rated on VAS scale. 3 domains: functional status, stiffness, pain.
Original, short-form, modified version.
  VAS94/NRS/LikertPain, physical function, global assessmentUsed for assessment of pain, patient’s global assessment, functioning, perceived strength, etc.43
Performance- or assessor-based instruments
  AHFT18Physical function11-item test, 4 subscales: grip/pinch strength, dexterity, applied dexterity, applied strength. Score per subscale.2
  Button Test95Physical functionUnbutton and button 5 buttons using a standard board. Score recorded in seconds.1
  DexterityPhysical functionAssessed using dexterity/Purdue Pegboard.2
  GAT96Physical functionModification of Grip Function Test. 3 items, timed (sec) and summed to total GAT score. GAT score < 20 s = normal.4
  Grip strengthPhysical functionMeasured in mmHg or in kg.35
  HAMIS97Physical function9 items rated 0 (no problems performing the motion) to 3 (unable). Total score range 0–27.1
  HFI98Physical function9 wrist/hand items from Keitel Function Test, measuring motion patterns.
Items ranged 0 (no difficulties) to 3 (much difficulty). Total score 0–52 (0–26 for each upper extremity).
  JTHFT99Physical function7 items, timed in seconds. Summed to total score.1
  MPUT100Physical functionPicking up 10 items and placing in container, timed in seconds.3
  Pinch strengthPhysical functionMeasured in mmHg or in kg.17
  Tenderness/pain on palpation, Doyle101/Ritchie articular index102PainTenderness on palpation. Score range Doyle total 0–144, Doyle hand 0–72. Score range Ritchie articular index 0–60.21
  • AIMS-2: Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale-2; ASES: Arthritis Self Efficacy Scale; OA: osteoarthritis; AUSCAN: Australian/Canadian Hand OA Index; COPM: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; FIHOA: Functional Index for Hand OA; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; MAP-hand: Measure of Activity Performance; MHQ: Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire; OMFAQ: Older Americans’ Resources and Services Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire; PRWHE: Patient-Rated Wrist/Hand Evaluation; SACRAH: Score for Assessment and Quantification of Chronic Rheumatoid Affections of the Hands; VAS: visual analog scale; NRS: numeric rating scale; AHFT: Arthritis Hand Function Test; GAT: grip ability test; HAMIS: Hand Mobility in Scleroderma Test; HFI: hand functional index; JTHFT: Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test; MPUT: Moberg Pick-Up Test.