Table 1.

Patient demographics, disease activity at the time of image acquisition, and medications administered at the time of image acquisition. From 68 participants, 43 had 1 image evaluated, 18 had 2 images evaluated, and 7 had 3 images evaluated, for a total of 100 images. Values are mean (SD) unless otherwise specified.

CharacteristicsValuesTotal Patients, n = 68
  Female, n (%)48 (70.6)68*
  White, n (%)56 (83.6)67*
  Age, yrs**57.4 (10.3)66*
  Weight, kg79.8 (17.6)63*
  Height, cm167.5 (9.7)61*
Disease activity at time of image acquisitionTotal Image Sets, n = 100
  Symptom duration, yrs4.8 (4.5)97*
  TJC286.7 (6.8)91*
  SJC287.4 (6.0)91*
  ESR, mm/h18.1 (14.7)85*
  DAS28-ESR3V4.0 (1.5)83*
  HAQ-DI0.64 (0.59)58*
Medications at time of image acquisition, n (%)
  Oral steroid53 (53)100
  OTC medication83 (83)100
  DMARD87 (87)100
  • * Values are missing because of incomplete recording of information, laboratory tests not ordered, or incomplete questionnaire responses.

  • ** Age when first image was taken. All patients imaged more than once had their last image taken no less than 6 months before and no later than 24 months after their first image. TJC28: tender joint count at 28 joints; SJC28: swollen joint count at 28 joints; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; DAS28-ESR3V: 3 variable Disease Activity Score (TJC, SJC, ESR); DAS28: DAS at 28 joints; HAQ-DI: Health Assessment Questionnaire–Disability Index; OTC: over-the-counter; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.