Table 3.

Radiographic changes from baseline to 5-year followup in the marginal, mild, and moderate pain trajectories. Values are mean (SD) unless otherwise specified.

VariablesAll SubjectsMarginal PainMild PainModerate Pain
KL change, % (n)
  Δ050 (306)56 (111)48 (120)48 (77)
  Δ140 (239)37 (75)42 (107)38 (62)
  Δ2 + Δ310 (60)7 (14)10 (26)14 (22)
Osteophyte area change, mm23.9 (7.8)0.3 (6.6)1.0 (7.7)1.7 (9.1)
Min JSW change, mm0.6 (1.1)0.4 (1.1)0.3 (1.1)0.3 (1.2)
  • KL change: radiographic change from baseline to 5-year followup in index knee. Osteophyte area change: osteophyte change from baseline to 5-year followup in index knee. Min JSW change: change in minimal JSW from baseline to 5-year followup in index knee. KL: Kellgren-Lawrence grading scale; JSW: joint space width.