Table 2.

Various SPARCC cutoff values (based on the mean SPARCC score of the 2 readers) tested against the ASAS definition of a positive MRI, in reading campaign 1 and reading campaign 2.

Positive MRI (ASAS)Negative MRI (ASAS)
Reading campaign 1, n = 294
  SPARCC ≥ 16721
  SPARCC < 10206
  κ: 0.82PA: 95.2%NA: 86.5%
  SPARCC ≥ 2665
  SPARCC < 21222
  κ: 0.94PA: 98.7%NA: 95.7%
  SPARCC ≥ 3571
  SPARCC < 310226
  κ: 0.89PA: 97.6%NA: 91.2%
  SPARCC ≥ 4471
  SPARCC < 420226
  κ: 0.77PA: 95.6%NA: 81.7%
Reading campaign 2, n = 249
  SPARCC ≥ 1315
  SPARCC < 10213
  κ: 0.91PA: 98.8%NA: 92.5%
  SPARCC ≥ 2311
  SPARCC < 20217
  κ: 0.98PA: 99.8%NA: 98.4%
  SPARCC ≥ 3250
  SPARCC < 36218
  κ: 0.88PA: 98.6%NA: 89.3%
  SPARCC ≥ 4210
  SPARCC < 410218
  κ: 0.79PA: 97.8%NA: 80.8%
  • SPARCC cutoff values are based on the mean SPARCC scores of the 2 initial readers; in case there was a third reader involved, the mean of the SPARCC scores of the 2 readers in agreement of a “positive MRI” (ASAS definition) for that particular case were used. SPARCC: SpondyloArthritis Research Consortium of Canada; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; ASAS: Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society; PA: positive agreement; NA: negative agreement.