Table 6.

Quotes for theme 5: GP-related drivers and barriers.

Quote No.Participant No.Quote
13With the one that I’ve got, then I wouldn’t hesitate to come and see him. That may be different if I’d got a GP that I didn’t like.
27…because I’ve seen him at least once in the last year, he’ll think … “Oh, here she comes, because she’s a health professional she’s worried about every last symptom”.
310Probably because I don’t want it to have that impact on my life, and then for him to turn round and say you shouldn’t be doing this, you shouldn’t be doing that. Maybe that’s what I don’t want to happen.
423I’d still think, in the back of my mind, “What’s he going to do?” There’s probably not a lot that he could do.
517The only little thing that’s not quite as it should be is that you can’t see them as quickly, unless you tell them you’re dying right there, you’ve got to wait about ten days or two weeks.
66It’s time, isn’t it?…And fitting it in. But if it was causing me major problems then I’d fit [the appointment] in, wouldn’t I? I’d make an exception.
76I’m also wasting their (GP) time as well, and they’re already overrun with patients and probably far worse than what we’re describing. So I always think as well that you’re taking appointments that other people might need.
  • GP: general practitioner.