Table 3.

Quotes related to theme 1: perceived causes of RA symptoms.

Quote No.Participant No.Quote
14If I couldn’t put it down to something, then I’d probably make an appointment and see what it was. But I’d persevere for a bit and try and work it out.
230So if it was nothing obvious, and again it kept coming into my brain, “Well, that’s not right,” then I would seek [help] sometime sooner than later.
32Getting older, I’m conscious that joints tend to not be so good as they were.
414Just 1 finger, I think that would [be] different if it’s just like 1 finger…I think I’d probably leave that a couple of weeks or so. Just think, well, maybe I’ve knocked it.
512I’d think, oh, it’s a flareup (of OA), you know, I’d rub it with some stuff, take a painkiller, and hope that it goes away really.
67I’d go immediately, I think, because I know what the signs and symptoms of RA are and I’ve heard a thousand people. Well, not a thousand maybe, but I’ve seen enough and heard how it started.
726I would be concerned if it was hot, as well, because I understand that’s, that’s possibly rheumatoid arthritis, rather than osteo(arthritis).
835If I noticed my fingers were swollen, I would actually go to my mum saying, “What is this problem?” Then she’ll end up taking me to either the xxx Centre (walk-in centre) or to the doctors that day…It’s quite a concern in the family because my nan has it as well.
99I think, before my mum’s diagnosis, I probably wouldn’t be [concerned]…But now I think, having seen what she’s suffered and how she tried to explain it away…I think I’d be more inclined to come and see the doctor just to double check because you don’t realise how much you use your joints until they’re achy. And the “run of the mill” aches is bad enough, so I think I’d probably be inclined now to come in.
1010So I’ll either probably delay it a little bit longer, or put up with it. But then again, it doesn’t hurt sometimes to have it said this is what’s happening to you, but I just put it down to things in the family.
111Well, if it was my feet, I’d be straight up to the GP, it could be diabetic led (sic) again, but it could also be, because I’m in a chair, it could even be a DVT or anything like that.
  • RA: rheumatoid arthritis; OA: osteoarthritis; GP: general practitioner; DVT: deep vein thrombosis.