Table 1.

General characteristics of 566 patients with TA.

General Clinical CharacteristicsN or ValueProportion, %*
Median age, yrsa36.3 ± 13.4
Disease onset age, yrsb28.9 ± 12.0
  ≤ 2015827.9
  ≥ 4011019.4
Time lag, yrsc7.6 ± 0.4
Inflammatory symptoms
  Amaurosis fugax193.4
Cardiovascular risk factors
  Diabetes mellitus173.0
Vascular symptoms
  Blindness or visual disturbances5810.2
  Secondary hypertension33058.3
  Angina pectoris5710.1
  Myocardial infarction91.6
  Transient ischemic attack5810.2
Other comorbidities or symptoms
  Renal failure61.1
  Congestive heart failure15126.7
Laboratory variables
  Elevated ESR13123.1
  Elevated CRP11921.0
  Elevated hsCRP16529.2
  LVEF < 50%5711.6
  PAH, mmHg19.2 ± 31.6
  • * Representing proportion of 566 patients with TA.

  • a The average age of patients for the first hospitalization.

  • b The presence of the earliest particular symptom or disease that is attributed to TA.

  • c The time between the occurrence of initial symptom and the diagnosis of TA. TA: Takayasu arteritis; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; hsCRP: high-sensitivity CRP; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; PAH: pulmonary arterial pressure.