Table 3.

Effect of health and contextual factors on presenteeism, absenteeism, and overall work productivity loss: final multivariate models after stepwise variable selection.

VariableCoefficient (SE)p
Presenteeism, n = 50, R2 = 0.56
   Intercept56.5 (13.7)
   Male sex−14.6 (4.60)0.0027
   BASFI6.87 (1.22)< 0.0001
   Quality of contact−4.16 (1.54)0.0096
Absenteeism, n = 65, AUC = 0.80*
   Intercept 1−4.18 (2.66)
   Intercept 2−2.55 (2.63)
   Age0.071 (0.033)0.033
   Current smoker1.70 (0.60)0.0045
   ASDAS-CRP1.11 (0.41)0.0062
   Importance of job in life−0.65 (0.23)0.0047
Overall work productivity loss, n = 49, R2 = 0.63
  Intercept−73.6 (5.09)
  Male sex−20.5 (5.09)0.0002
   BASFI6.33 (1.35)< 0.0001
   Adaptation of job due to illness, yes18.7 (5.23)0.0009
   Profession, manual12.0 (5.04)0.022
   No. hours worked per week, log25.6 (8.56)0.0045
  • * Ordinal logistic regression. BASFI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; ASDAS-CRP: Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score–C-reactive protein.