Table 2.

Percentage of OACCP participants referred to health providers within and outside the OACCP.

Healthcare Provider Type Included Participants, n = 300Participants Without Followup, Imputed as Nonresponders, n = 74Excluded Participants, n = 185
OACCP multidisciplinary team
  OACCP physical therapist* (%)100100100
  OACCP dietitian* (%)53.755.741.3
  OACCP rheumatologist# (%)40.446.331.1
  OACCP occupational therapist* (%)28.436.630.5
  OACCP social worker# (%)19.428.513.8
  OACCP orthotist# (%)23.717.813.5
  Other** (%)1612.910.7
  Other health providers within the local health district± (e.g., hydrotherapy, exercise groups; %)2120.319.4
  Other health providers outside the local health district (e.g., GP, hydrotherapy, diabetes educator, exercise groups; %)4239.239.2
  • * Available at both OACCP sites.

  • # Available at Royal North Shore Hospital OACCP (only this rheumatologist saw patients in the OACCP clinic, they did not refer participants to the OACCP).

  • ** Other may include pain CNC at Wollongong Hospital and education sessions at both sites.

  • ± Other healthcare providers within the local health district may include hydrotherapy, exercise groups, falls clinic, physiotherapist, pulmonary rehabilitation, smoking cessation, or geriatrician.

  • Other healthcare providers outside the local health district may include general practitioner (GP), hydrotherapy, exercise groups, diabetes clinic, orthopedic surgeon, psychologist, geriatrician, physiotherapist, dietitian, falls clinic, pain clinic, social worker, orthotist, smoking cessation, pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation. OACCP: Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program; CNC: clinical nurse consultant.