Table 1.

Characteristics and test significance for ASLE and JSLE. Results are written as median (percentiles 25%–75%) unless otherwise indicated.

CharacteristicASLE, n = 43JSLE, n = 14p
Women, n (%)39 (90.7)10 (71.4)0.091
Age, yrs25.0 (22–32)13 (10–15)< 0.0001
SLE duration of disease, yrs1.0 (0.08–3.5)0.1 (0.04–3)0.2115
WBC, 103/ml8.2 (5.6–12.6)9.9 ± (5.5–19.5)0.3258
Lymphocytes, 103/ml0.6 (0.42–0.82)1.6 (0.75–2.25)0.0036
Creatinine, mg/dl1.2 (0.6–2.9)0.8 (0.6–0.9)0.0624
Platelets, 103/ml145 (94–256)185 (121–274)0.4041
APACHE II20 (14–23)16 (13–20)0.2198
CRP, mg/dl13.5 (4.2–24.3)1.1 (0.4–4.1)0.0031
MV, n (%)34 (79.1)9 (64.3)0.297
Infection, n (%)19 (44.2)3 (21.4)0.129
  • Fisher’s exact test, otherwise chi-square. ASLE: adult SLE; JSLE: juvenile SLE; WBC: white blood cells; CRP: C-reactive protein; MV: mechanical ventilation; APACHE: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation score.