Table 1.

Changes in quality of life. Values are expressed in mean ± SD.

General PopulationBaseline D2304/2306, n = 7End D2306, n = 7Last Visit, n = 7
FACIT-F43.525.1 ± 11.342.6 ± 5.8*42.3 ± 6.9*
SF-36 PCS5037.7 ± 4.849.7 ± 4.9*48.6 ± 10.6*
SF-36 MCS5034.1 ± 11.444.1 ± 943.9 ± 8.7
HAQ0.64 ± 0.730.32 ± 0.560.52 ± 0.83
  • * p value < 0.05. FACIT-F: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue; SF-36: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 survey; PCS: physical component summary; MCS: mental component summary; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; D2304/2306: canakinumab/CAPS study.