Table 1.

Characteristics of the patients with TA (n = 41) and those with severe sepsis or septic shock.

Patients with TA
  Age, yrs145 (12)
  Age at disease onset, yrs133 (12)
  No. receiving immunosuppressive agents29
  No. receiving TNF inhibitors16
  No. receiving tocilizumab2
  Prednisone dose (mg/day) 16.4 (8.1)
  No. with active disease314
  ESR, mm/h222 (21; 1–78)
  CRP, mg/l26.36 (9.25; 0.03–39.6)
  Blood leukocytes, cells/μl27800 (2400; 4000–1400)
  Blood neutrophils, cells/μl24500 (1800; 1900–9000)
  No. with ESR elevations414
  No. with CRP elevations413
  PCT, μg/l20.02 (0.01; 0.02–0.08)
Patients with severe sepsis and septic shock,n = 49
  Age, yrs174 (10)
  No. patients with severe sepsis33
  No. patients with septic shock16
  CRP, mg/l2198 (149; 0.50–303)
  PCT, μg/l228.8 (53.3; 0.05–243)
  Blood leukocytes, cells/μl217,000 (17,000; 1100–88,000)
  • 1 Mean values (SD).

  • 2 Mean values (SD; range).

  • 3 According to NIH criteria.

  • 4 According to local laboratory upper limit of normal. NIH: US National Institutes of Health; TA: Takayasu arteritis; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; PCT: procalcitonin.