Table 1

Patient characteristics.

Controls, n = 20IPF, n = 58SSc (exploratory set), n = 74SSc (test set), n = 212
Sex female, n (%)7 (35)14 (24.1)59 (79.7)*165 (77.8)
Age, mean (SD)32.7 (6.3)61.1 (7.3)51.4 (12.1)*50.9 (12.6)
Smoking, current/former, n (%)0/04 (6.9)/37 (63.8)4 (5.5)/28 (38.4)*19 (9.2)/69 (33.3)
Followup, mo, median37.376.9*60.5
Deceased, n (%)
 3-year mortality19 (32.8)8 (10.8)28 (13)
 5-year mortality34 (58.6)10 (13.5)43 (20.3)
15% DLCO decline*, n (%)/ median mo39 (68.4)/14.534 (48.6)/34.590 (52.3)/41.3
10% FVC decline**, n (%)/ median mo43 (69.4)/1430 (46.2)/34.884 (48.8)/39.5
Progression-free survival**††, n (%)/median mo39 (72.2)/15.742 (57.5)/35132 (71.4)/40.3
Lung function, mean (SD)
 FVC, % predicted76.9 (22.6)80.3 (22.7)80.6 (23.2)
 FEV1, % predicted79.4 (21.4)78.6 (20.0)78.2 (19.7)
 DLCO, % predicted45.9 (16.8)56.2 (18.8)*53.6 (18.2)
CPI, mean (SD)47.3 (14.9)38.6 (17.4)*40.1 (16.4)
ATA/ACA antibodies, n (%)0 (0)31 (41.9)/11 (14.86)*89 (41.9)/33 (15.7)
ESR, mean (SD)19.2 (16)25.6 (22.6)24.3 (20.7)
dcSSc, n (%)26 (37)83 (40.1)
DTPA, mean (SD)44.7 (29.8)40.1 (25.2)
  • * p < 0.05 vs IPF.

  • vs controls.

  • ** Measures were calculated in 172 patients for whom longitudinal lung function data were available from the time of serum collection, all with initial lung function testing within 6 months of serum collection.

  • †† Defined as the time to functional decline (of FVC and/or DLCO) or death. IPF: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; SSc: systemic sclerosis; CT: computed tomography scan; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume 1 second; CPI: composite physiologic index18: dcSSc: diffuse cutaneous SSc; DTPA: 99mTc-technetium-labeled diethylene-triamine-pentacetate clearance; ATA: antitopoisomerase antibodies; ACA: anticentromere antibodies; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate.