Table 2.

Number (%) of patients in the AIM trial in RAPID3 versus DAS28 disease activity/severity categories at 52 weeks.

RAPID3 Severity
Abatacept Treatment GroupHigh, n (%)Moderate, n (%)Low, n (%)Remission, n (%)Total, n (%)
  DAS28 Activity
    High59 (80)14 (19)01 (< 1)74 (20)
    Moderate58 (29)80 (40)42 (21)18 (9)198 (53)
    Low4 (11)14 (38)10 (27)9 (24)37 (10)
    Remission2 (3)15 (23)18 (28)30 (46)65 (17)
    Total123 (33)123 (33)70 (19)58 (16)374 (100)
Kappa = 0.28; weighted kappa = 0.42.
Control treatment group
  DAS28 Activity
    High80 (78)17 (17)5 (5)0102 (56)
    Moderate23 (31)33 (45)12 (16)6 (8)74 (40)
    Low1 (33)002 (67)3 (2)
    Remission01 (25)1 (25)2 (50)4 (2)
    Total104 (56)51 (28)18 (10)10 (5)183 (100)
Kappa = 0.33; weighted kappa = 0.40.
  • AIM: Abatacept in Inadequate Response to Methotrexate; RAPID3: Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data; DAS28: 28-joint Disease Activity Score.