Table 1.

Characteristics of patients with PsA at first mFSS administration.

VariableSummary InformationMissing
Patients, no.390
  No. of men (%)231 (59.2)
  No. of women (%)159 (40.8)
  Mean age, years (SD)48.3 (12.3)
  Mean arthritis duration, years (SD)12.9 (9.9)
Laboratory measures
  Mean ESR, mm/h (SD)22.2 (19)32
  Mean hemoglobin (Hgb), g/l (SD)135.9 (14.1)28
  No. with raised ESR values (%)180 (50.3)32
  No. anemic (%)66 (18.2)28
Clinical measures
  Median no. of active joints (IQR)4 (1, 11)
  Median number of swollen joints (IQR)1 (0, 3.75)
  Median number of clinically deformed joints (IQR)2 (0, 8)1
  Median PASI score (IQR)3 (0.9, 6.45)15
  Mean grip strength in both hands, mm Hg (SD)244.5 (71.7)15
  No. with morning stiffness (%)235 (60.9)4
  No. with mild or no disease activity (%)39 (10)
  No. with moderate disease activity (%)144 (36.9)
  No. with severe disease activity (%)207 (53.1)
Patient-reported measures of functional status
  Median HAQ (IQR)0.5 (0.125, 1.125)32
  Mean SF-36 pain scale (SD)49.8 (25.2)22
  Mean SF-36 mental health scale (SD)69.1 (20.1)31
  Mean mFSS (SD)4.85 (2.81)
  No. with mild or no fatigue (%)201 (51.5)
  No. with moderate fatigue (%)87 (22.3)
  No. with severe fatigue (%)102 (26.2)
  No. ever hypertensive (%)100 (25.6)
  No. ever had cancer (%)15 (5.1)94
  • PsA: psoriatic arthritis; mFSS: modified Fatigue Severity Scale; PASI: Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; SF-36: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36; Raised ESR: > 15 mm/h for men and > 20 mm/h for women; anemia: Hgb < 130 g/l for men and Hgb < 120 g/l for women; disease activity low (no. of active joints ≤ 1 and PASI ≤ 1), moderate (no. of active joints ≤ 5 and PASI < 8), and high (no. of active joints > 5 and PASI ≥ 8; level of fatigue: mild (mFSS < 5), moderate (mFSS ≥ 5 and < 7), and severe (mFSS ≥ 7). ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate. IQR: interquartile range.