Table 6.

Risk of death due to cardiovascular disease (n = 26) among 190 patients with RA. Multivariate Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis based on forward stepwise selection and adjusted for sex and age at inclusion. Predictor variables included in the analysis were HAQ score, CRP > 100 mg/dl, state of nutrition below normal, presence of diabetes, MBL2 genotype YA/YA, and serum MBL. Patients with incomplete information on risk factors (n = 39) were not included in the analysis.

HR (95% CI)p
HAQ score2.1 (1.2–3.7)0.015
CRP > 100 mg/dl2.7 (1.1–6.7)0.031
Nutrition below normal3.6 (1.4–8.9)0.007
MBL2 genotype YA/YA2.7 (1.2–5.9)0.016
  • HR: hazard ratio; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; CRP: C-reactive protein; MBL: mannose-binding lectin.