Table 4.

Risk of bias summary (treatment quality) of the randomized controlled trials analysis.

StudyTreatment Content and SettingTreatment DurationManualizationAdherence to ManualTherapist TrainingClient EngagementSum
Astin 2003382120106
Burckhardt 1994391100103
Edinger 2005401120105
Garcia 2006411100002
Grossman 2007422100104
Kashikar-Zuck 2005432121208
Nicassio 1997441100002
Redondo 2004452100002
Sephton 2007362120205
Soares 2002461100103
Thieme 2003472120005
Thieme 2006482110206
Vlaeyen 1996371100002
Wigers 1996491100114
  • 0: inadequate or not reported; 1: partially adequate; 2: adequate.