Table 2

Comparison of the mean (SD) SF-36 domain and summary scores for patients with SSc, US women from the general population, and patients with selected chronic diseases.

SSc, n = 504US Population Norms (women aged 45–54) n = 911Heart Disease, n = 660Lung Disease, n = 328Hypertension, n = 1729Diabetes, n = 545Depression, n = 942
Physical function36.4 (11.8)48.7 (8.4)*38.9 (11.2)*38.3 (11.6)43.9 (10.5)*41.4 (12.3)*44.3 (12.0)*
Role physical40.1 (12.1)49.6 (8.4)*40.1 (10.7)39.3 (11.6)45.0 (9.9)*42.6 (11.7)*42.9 (11.9)*
Bodily pain43.0 (10.0)48.2 (8.5)*43.5 (9.9)43.1 (10.0)46.0 (11.1)*44.2 (10.2)†42.9 (10.6)
General health37.7 (10.7)49.3 (8.8)*†40.9 (9.9)*38.3 (10.2)45.5 (11.0)*41.4 (10.5)*41.0 (10.9)*
Vitality45.5 (10.9)49.5 (8.3)*†45.4 (9.5)42.7 (9.3)*†48.4 (9.7)*46.0 (10.6)40.1 (9.8)*
Social function42.8 (11.8)49.7 (8.4)*44.2 (11.4)41.8 (11.8)47.5 (9.6)*44.5 (11.7)38.7 (11.9)*
Role emotional44.9 (12.4)50.3 (8.2)*43.6 (12.7)42.5 (13.5)47.3 (9.5)*44.7 (13.1)38.9 (13.0)*
Mental health47.6 (10.3)49.7 (8.3)48.5 (10.1)45.8 (10.6)49.0 (10.6)47.7 (10.8)36.7 (11.1)*
PCS score36.7 (11.2)48.5 (8.7)*38.9 (10.1)*38.3 (10.9)44.0 (11.3)*41.1 (11.2)*45.4 (11.6)*
MCS score49.0 (11.7)50.2 (8.1)48.3 (10.7)45.6 (11.5)*49.7 (9.8)47.8 (11.5)36.3 (11.9)*
  • * Significant p values for comparisons between scores for the given category and SSc using a standard 2-sample t-test.

  • Significant p values for comparisons using a one-sample Wilcoxon test to account for non-normality. Both utilize a simple Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons to maintain a family-wise type I error rate of < 0.05. PCS: physical component summary, MCS: mental component summary.